DotNetNuke Client API - dnn Namespace

This is the root namespace for the DotNetNuke Client API. In addition to being the central location to access the object hierarchy, it offers some methods for transferring variables between client and server.

callPostBack Initiates a postback call for the passed in action. In order to work the action will need to be registered on the server side.
sAction Action name to be raised
N Parameters Pass in any number of parameters the postback requires. Parameters should be in the form of 'paramname=paramvalue', 'paramname=paramvalue', 'paramname=paramvalue'

getVar Gets value for passed in variable name set on the server side by the RegisterClientVariable method.
sKey Name of parameter to retrieve value for
Returns Returns value variable or null if not set

getVars Gets array of name value pairs set on the server side by the RegisterClientVariable method.
Returns Array of name value pairs

setVar Sets value for variable to be sent to the server.
sKey Name of parameter to set value for
sVal Value for variable
Returns true when successful