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Services of Ken Avellino Independent ASP.NET Consultant

As a freelance independent ASP.NET consultant I strive to provide my clients with the highest level of technical expertise. Along with using my skills to raise the technical capabilities of my clients. I in turn hope to learn from my clients to improve my technical abilities.

I provide many services to my clients.  These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Dot Net Nuke site development and maintenance.  Including custom module and skin development.
  • ASP.NET site development and maintenance.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services, such as search engine placement and search engine ranking improvement.  SEO consultation to develop an SEO plan for your site.
  • Web Services development.
  • Mentoring to help improve the efficiency of your IT staff.
  • Development of custom courses.
  • Training in HTML, ASP.NET, JavaScript, VB.NET, C#, SEO

Of all the SEO tools I've used I can't say enough good about WEB CEO.  This is hands down the best SEO tool on the market.  It provides every function needed to apply SEO techniques to a web site and I encourage you to try it.  To try it for free, and they really mean free,  just click here or on the banner to the right.

If you feel that I might be of service to your company simply click CONTACT on the page menu.  I'll get back to you ASAP.  You have a development problem or a training need let's talk it over.

Favorite Quotes
He who accepts evil without protesting against it, is really cooperating with it.

Martin Luther King Jr.
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